For airport transfers from Lisbon to the Silver Coast, and vice versa, Jinah Trans has become an established operator in the region of São Martinho do Porto, Salir de Porto, Nazaré, Caldas da Rainha, Foz do Arelho, Óbidos, Peniche and so on.
Apart from information about Jinah Trans' airport transfer service, you will also find some day trips on this website so that you can enjoy this region even more. Furthermore, we hope you will also enjoy our free tips for short trips and free tips for longer trips.
Did you not find the answer to your question about airport transfers or one of our day trips on the respective web pages? Then contact us for more information! Since we are on the road a lot, it is best to contact us via the web form below or via e-mail to jan[@]jinahtrans.com. We will then contact you within 48 hours at the latest.
Do you have an extremely urgent question? Then you can reach us at Jan's Portuguese mobile phone number: +351 916 791 327 (Jan speaks Dutch and English).
Please note: Charges may apply if you call or send a text message to the above number. Check the charges with your service provider.
If you have a smartphone, you can reach us for free via Telegram.
The main office of Jinah Trans Lda - Turismo, Transporte & Serviços is located near São Martinho do Porto, Silver Coast, Portugal (the office is not open to the public).
NIPC Jinah Trans is 510 219 950